See snapshots about life in Costa Rica, learn about photography and anything else that pops in my head!

Dress Ideas for a Beach Photoshoot in Costa Rica
Tropical vacation: Check. Exotic photoshoot location: Check. You may have even already scheduled a beach photoshoot in Costa Rica with yours truly or another photographer. But…what do you wear? Of course, the stunning location will ensure gorgeous photos regardless of...

What to Wear for Family Photos on the Beach in Costa Rica
Isn’t it thrilling? You’re going to Costa Rica on vacation! Even better, you’ve decided to hire yours truly to take photos of your family while visiting this stunningly beautiful place. (GREAT choice, by the way!) There’s only one thing left to think about — what to...

Waterfall Photoshoot in the Costa Rican Jungle: A Unique Experience!
Imagine entering a magical new world deep in the quiet brilliance that is the Costa Rican rainforest. Brilliant blue morpho butterflies dance through the jungle and playful monkeys leap from branch to branch high up in the canopy. Lazy lizards flick their tongues...

Fascinating Facts About Butterflies in Costa Rica
Did you know that butterflies have scales like fish? This was something both me and my Costa Rican husband were surprised to find out during our trip to the Butterfly Conservatory in La Fortuna. We’ve both visited various butterfly farms before and he is quite...

Promptography: Because Being Photographed Should Be Fun!
I feel like I don’t look natural. It looks like I’m trying too hard. Man, I wish I were more photogenic. I’m really giving Lurch from the Addams Family a run for his money! Have these thoughts ever crossed your mind when reviewing photos of yourself? I totally get it....

Celebrating Independence Day in Costa Rica
In an ironic twist after two years of restrictions, Costa Ricans were finally free to celebrate Independence Day in Costa Rica once more. This year, 2022, marks 201 years of Independence for the proud little country. In 1821, Costa Rica, along with her other...

Talk Like a Tico: A Guide to Costa Rican Spanish Phrases
So you think you can speak Spanish? Then why can’t you understand half the things that Ticos are saying? At some point you might even start asking yourself, does Costa Rica speak Spanish? Lol! Well, that’s because half of what Ticos say isn’t Spanish, it’s Pachuco —...

Best Wildlife Sanctuary in Costa Rica: Rescate Wildlife Rescue Center
Have I visited all the wildlife sanctuaries in Costa Rica? Not yet. But of the ones I’ve visited, Rescate Wildlife Rescue Center in Alajuela is hands-down my favorite. So in my book, it earns the title of best wildlife sanctuary in Costa Rica until something even more...

Fun Facts About Toucans in Costa Rica!
What’s your must-see animal in Costa Rica? For many people, it is a toucan. I don’t think I’d ever seen a toucan in person until I came to Costa Rica. Now, they’re so common to me, it feels like seeing a blue jay back in Washington. They’re pretty, but not worth...

Playa Conchal, Costa Rica: The Beach Made of Shells!
Updated 7/13/2022 Playa Conchal, Costa Rica is a small beach located to the south of Playa Flamingo in Costa Rica’s Guanacaste province. Its claim to fame? Where there should be sand, there is instead a thick carpet of seashells! Curious what this beach is like? I’ll...

Baby Sea Turtles, Oh My! See Them for Yourself in Costa Rica
Do you think of a baby turtle as a delectable snack? As hard as it is for us to imagine, the ocean is full of creatures who think exactly that. How do baby sea turtles grow strong enough to survive on their own in an ocean full of predators? Well, the truth is...

Amazing Tip for Photographing Ice Cream in HOT Costa Rica!
I wanted to photograph ice cream.’s Quepos. I think I’ve mentioned how hot it is here. So how do you photograph ice cream in 85℉+ weather without it melting into an unappetizing puddle all over the place? I found the answer while I was watching one of Joanie...