So you think you can speak Spanish? Then why can’t you understand half the things that Ticos are saying? At some point you might even start asking yourself, does Costa Rica speak Spanish?
Well, that’s because half of what Ticos say isn’t Spanish, it’s Pachuco — Costa Rican slang. Some of the phrases have literal translations that seemingly have nothing to do with the slang meaning while others just leave you scratching your head.
Thus, officially the language of Costa Rica is Spanish. But to truly talk like a Tico you’ll have to learn Costa Rican Spanish slang, which can almost feel like a whole other language in itself.
Let’s dive in a learn a few common Costa Rican Spanish phrases that you can use to impress the locals when you come to visit!
A Medio Palo
At half stick
To leave something without finishing it
Bajarle los humos
To bring down the smoke
To disappoint or demotivate someone
Cagarse de la risa
Poop yourself laughing
Laugh very hard at something
Cada muerte de obispo
Every time a bishop dies
Every once in a great while
Comerse a una person
To eat a person
Talk bad about somebody
Como está el arroz
How is the rice?
What is the situation?
Como las vacas
Like the cows
To be completely confused/not understand anything
Echarse el agua
To throw water on yourself
To motivate yourself to do something
Estar como una uva
To be like a grape
To feel really good
Estar como todo los diablos
To be like all the demons
To be super angry
Estar podrido/cagado en plata
To be rotten/pooped with money
To be super rich
Estar vineando
To be coming
To be paying attention to your surroundings
Estar hecho leña
To be made firewood
To be sick or feel bad, to be depressed or frustrated
Estirar la pata
To stretch the paw
To die
Feo para la foto
ugly for the picture
A person about to get into a heap of trouble
Gallo Pinto
Painted Rooster
A delicious dish made from rice and beans, salsa Lizano, sweet chile, onions, and cilantro. It is eaten almost daily for breakfast.
Gastar cerebro
To waste the brain
To think about something
Gastar pólvora en zopilotes
To waste gunpowder on buzzards
To waste your efforts on something that will never work
Gato encerrado
A locked-up cat
Things are not what they appear to be
Hablar paja
To talk straw
Make trivial conversation
La mamá de Tarzán
Tarzan’s mother
A know-it-all, someone who believes they are smart, superior
Meter la pata
To put the paw
Make a big mistake, mess something up badly
A person who sticks their nose where it doesn’t belong
Ni Hablar
Not to talk
Well done, perfect, looks great
Pegar el gordo
To hit the fat one
To win the lottery
Pelar las guayabas
To peel the guavas
Be alert, keep your eyes open
Sacarse el clavo
To pull the nail out of yourself
To get vengeance for something
Ser (o tener) chispa
To be (or have) a spark
To be intelligent or have good ideas
Sin un cinco
Without a five
Flat broke, has no money left
Roof tile
100 colones, the type of money used in Costa Rica
A Vibrant Culture and Language
Language is always evolving. That’s why you can go to different areas or countries and you’ll find that they use different words.
There are over 500 million Spanish-speaking people in the world. Many of them, like Costa Ricans, have their own rich heritage and culture that has little to do with Spain — other than the fact that they borrowed their language.
I can tell you from personal experience that you experience the culture of an area differently when you can speak the language. So if you’re looking to master Spanish on your trip to Costa Rica, I suggest you chat with my friends over at Manuel Antonio Spanish School. Not only will you learn Spanish but also you’ll get a unique look at the culture as you are immersed in it.
For the rest of you, I hope you enjoyed this list of Costa Rican Spanish phrases. Check back often as I plan to keep updating it!
And if you’re on the lookout for unique Costa Rican souvenirs, be sure to take a spin around my souvenir shop!
Until next time…