The grace, the stealth, the prowess — even avid haters of domestic cats cannot deny the magnificence of the jaguar. I already thought this cat was pretty incredible but was blown away by the information I learned about jaguars while researching this article.
Dive in with me and learn these 14 fascinating facts about jaguars in Costa Rica!
1. Jaguars Love the Water
Unlike most other big cats or your furry feline friend at home, jaguars love the water. They are adept at swimming and silent enough in the water to sneak up on and attack unsuspecting prey lounging on the shoreline.
2. Jaguars Can Dive
Not only can they swim really well, but also they can dive underwater. Jaguars in captivity have been recorded holding their breath for over 30 seconds and even having an underwater snack!
3. Jaguars Go Fishing with Their Tails
Jaguars are cunning and creative hunters, they’ll even go fishing with their tails. At the water’s edge, jaguars will dip the end of their tail into the water to attract fish. Once a tasty specimen arrives, the jaguar pounces and saunters off to enjoy his fishy snack.
4. Jaguars Are Big — The Biggest Cats in the Americas!
Jaguars are big and powerful and are the largest cats in the Americas. Adult jaguars can reach up to 250 pounds and measure about 6 ½ to 7 ½ feet long.
In the world, they are the third-largest cat. Lions, of course, are the largest measuring about 9 to 10 feet long and weighing in around 330-550 pounds.
5. Jaguars Are the Kings of Their Jungles
Jaguars might not be as big as lions, but as the apex predators of their habitat, they are the kings of their jungles — and they have an imperial attitude to match.
6. Jaguars Are Often Confused with Leopards
With a similar appearance, jaguars and leopards are often mistaken for one another. Some people even think they are the same animal with different names. However, they are quite different.
For starters, jaguars live in Central and South America, whereas leopards enjoy habitats in Africa and Asia. Jaguars are also larger and stronger.
Leopards can swim, but don’t enjoy it like jaguars do and tend to stay away from the water, whereas jaguars thrive near rivers and swamps.
Finally, jaguars might be the kings of their jungles, but leopards are the smallest big cats of their habitats. They have the nasty little attitude common to the underdog as well.
7. Jaguars Have the Strongest Bite Force of All the Big Cats
The jaw muscles and teeth of a jaguar are huge and they have the strongest bite force. Suffice it to say, nothing ever wants to be on the receiving end of a bite from a jaguar!
8. Jaguars Are Confident in Themselves
Their size and prowess combine to give them plenty of self-confidence. They are even brave and cunning enough to take on a caiman as seen in this incredible footage here!
9. Panthers Are Actually Black Jaguars (and Other Big Cats)
Panthers are not actually their own species. Instead, they are any big cat with a black coat. This coloring is caused by the presence of the agouti gene which causes a surplus of melanin in their fur. The effect is most commonly seen in jaguars and leopards, though they are not common to see in general. Only around 6% of jaguars in South America are blessed with this gorgeous black coat.
Also, these dark cats still have the iconic spotted coat of their species, the spots are just harder to see.
10. Jaguars Were Once Worshipped by Humans
The incredible prowess of the jaguar and its position at the top of the food chain made it a natural choice for ancient Mesoamerican tribes looking for a god. The jaguar appears in tons of Mayan art and architecture and Aztecs believed that their god Tezcatlipoca became a jaguar after being injured by his brother Quetzalcóatl during an uprising to take his power.
The Mexica say that the jaguar obtained its iconic coat after being thrown into a sacred fire. It came back to life with its fur singed and damaged by the dancing flames.
11. Jaguars Used to Live in the US
Jaguars populated the jungles of Arizona, Texas, and New Mexico until the loss of habitat pushed them out. Now, they mostly roam the jungles of Central and South America. It is possible that there are a handful of resourceful ones still hiding in the woods somewhere, but unlikely that there are many.
12. Jaguars in the Jungles of Costa Rica
Though not overly abundant, jaguars have been spotted in many of the protected areas in Costa Rica. For a chance to see a jaguar in the wild, tourists can visit the parks of Tortuguero, Corcovado, Santa Rosa, Monteverde, and Rio Macho.
However, sightings of wild jaguars in Costa Rica are few and far between. Even locals don’t often get the chance to see these magnificent creatures. This is due in part to their scarcity but also their camouflaged coats and skill at remaining hidden.
13. You Can See Jaguars in Costa Rica
The more surefire way to see a jaguar in Costa Rica is to pay a visit to one of the rescue centers or wildlife sanctuaries in the country. I took the photo at the top of this post at La Paz Waterfall Gardens, which is easy to get to from the airport in San Jose. They can also be found at Las Pumas Rescue Center in Guanacaste.
Both centers host a number of other species of big cats, monkeys, and colorful jungle birds like toucans and scarlet macaws.

14. You Can Wear Jaguar Print Accessories
Have you enjoyed learning all these fascinating facts about jaguars in Costa Rica? If you’re ever in our neck of the woods, I definitely recommend a visit to one of the wildlife sanctuaries where you can see these magnificent cats in person. You might get a glimpse while walking through one of the protected reserves, but the likelihood is low — although without a doubt way cooler than seeing them at the sanctuary!
I’ll leave you with one final exciting fact. I’m excited to announce that you can get your own set of gorgeous jaguar print earrings! This jewelry is made by the talented artists at Foterra Jewelry using an innovative process that creates stunning jewelry from photographs. I’ve teamed up with them and turned this photo, and others, into exquisite jewelry perfect for any occasion. Check it out here!
Not a jewelry person? You can also get this really cool, really GIANT tote bag with a really awesome Jaguar on it!
