Book Review: The Rose of Petrichoria

by | Aug 11, 2018 | Uncategorized

Long before I was a writer, I was an avid reader. I assume that many of you may be avid readers always on the lookout for another good book. So I’ll be doing book reviews and recommendations now and again that you can take a look at.

The first author I will be featuring is Katie Hauenstein. She is a friend of mine from college. I’m so proud of her for chasing after her dream of writing and self-publishing her stories. My book is still safely hidden away (and unfinished) in my cloud storage, but she currently has 6 published books and more on the horizon.

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Sci Fi Romance With a Twist

Her first published series is an intriguing read. The books are aimed at a young adult audience. The story is primarily sci fi but there is plenty of romance so I would classify it as a sci fi romance series. That being said, the books are clean for a young audience. No swearing or other risque adult content.

The Rose of Petrichoria

The series is called The Rose of Petrichoria. The first book, Forgotten, opens in an unexpected way. Miriam is a young widow with a fairly easy life. Granted, she’s grappling with the loss of her husband and son. But she delights in her daughter and, thankfully, doesn’t have to struggle to make ends meet.

But then one day that all changes.

She wakes up in a strange world and finds out that she never had a husband. She never had a son. And she has no daughter.

Instead, she is the young princess of a kingdom in the future. Like Sleeping Beauty, she’s been asleep for many years. But, unlike Sleeping Beauty she has no recollection of this strange life. It’s like being in a dream that she can’t wake up from.

The rest of the series follows her adventures as she slowly understands this strange new world, and begins to recall her own true past. I really can’t tell you much about it because the story is rife with plot twists and anything I say would be a spoiler alert. Just know that it keeps you on your toes.

Would You Like It?

If you enjoy sci fi romance stories, this would probably be a winner for you. I felt like a few scenes, particularly emotional ones, were a tiny bit stilted, but any drawbacks are minor. The plot twists keep you guessing the whole time and Katie isn’t afraid to step out of the box and surprise her readers.

For lovers of sci fi/fantasy fiction this is definitely an unconventional storyline. Sci fi ideas can feel a little overused sometimes or too similar to each other. Katie’s idea for the Rose of Petrichoria is fresh and exciting.

There are four books in the series that are meant to be read in this order

You can check out each of the books on Amazon by following the links I’ve included with each book title. You can get a Kindle version, or go for the paperback if you prefer the feel of a book in your hands.

I hope you enjoy them!


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